Federal Bonds

Federal bail bonds in Florida are required when the crime involves criminal activity across state lines or other federal crimes. Criminal activity requiring federal bonds can include offenses on federal property, kidnapping, tax evasion, fraud, and other crimes that have been investigated by the FBI.

Federal bonds are often more expensive than state bonds. They also carry a higher premium of 15%. 

In cases of federal offenses, the judge is responsible for setting the bail bond. This is usually done at the first appearance hearing. For this reason, crimes involving Federal bonds require a longer time in jail. This is different that state bond hearings where the bond is often set before seeing a judge. 

Federal bonds also often require a “Nebbia hearing” to prove that the money is coming from legitimate, non-criminal sources. This is a complicated process that requires the bond co-signers and the defendant provide proof of legitimate funds to the prosecutor of the case. 

If you are in need of a Federal bail bond in Florida, you must choose someone with the understanding to flawlessly execute these requirements. Parrish bail bonds is highly skilled and experienced with organizing the “Nebbia proffer” documents for the fastest release possible of the defendant.